Reflection ATV3


Well, this unit was definitely a rollercoaster, I felt completely overwhelmed at first. Looking through the assignments it was daunting, these were techniques I had not tried before. I tackled it by breaking the units down and working through them. Once I got started I with the assignments I became engrossed and lost in the task. I began to enjoy colour rather than fear it.

It made me look at colours in more detail and analyse there use in fabrics and art. How an interesting busy pattern when broken down into colour chips, how it can be made up by just colours but used in an interesting way and placement. It made me think about how important colour palettes can be and the importance of researching colour as part of a project.

One thing I have realised whilst reflecting on this unit is the number of times, I have used the computer and colour apps throughout this project. Before I began this course, I was very anti computers within my practice. But now I have used some of the apps and realised what a positive effect they have on my practice and how they open other avenues for research.

Another positive I am taking away from this unit is how it felt to display my work. My work is usually put away in a box or folder and forgotten about until it is needed again. Displaying it in a book made it look professional and proud of my work. It encouraged me to show others and has made me think about how in my future work I would like to display the more successful pieces.

I have worked incredibly hard on this unit, although I have finished it in a remarkably quicker time than the other units. This was due to how much I enjoyed producing the work, I am excited to continue on with this journey and I’m hoping to extend my colour studies into my work.

Assessment Criteria

Demonstration of technical and visual skills- A lot of these techniques where new to me and I felt I embraced the new techniques and strived. I got lost in many of the techniques spend a lot of time on the colour studies but enjoying the tasks. I feel I strong eye colour demonstrated in my colour chips and yarn wraps. I did struggle with the glass watercolour as watercolour is not one of my strongest materials, I am aware this is an area I need to develop. 

Quality of outcome- I feel this has been one of my more successful units, well it was certainly one of the more enjoyable ones. From the research point, I learnt how to incorporate the colour apps into my work. Which I successfully did with my colour studies book, using the Adobe colour app to pull through the key colour palette. From the colour chips, to the yarn wrap, linking them in a coherent manner within the book with the colour palettes. Keeping my book clean and making the colour work the main subject and making it standout from the stark white background. I used minimal words with the book, as I feel the work and the colour chips explain themselves. 

Demonstration of creativity- I chose to be more creative in my collage work, creating my own papers and choosing to use my creativity with the patterns and colours I used. I enjoyed the creativity of designing my colour study book and the layout of each page. Experimenting with new app to develop a front cover to create one complete sheet. You can see the development in my personal voice in the final piece, in the work I have chosen to display and the style and construction of the book. 

Context- Research has been a critical part of this unit, to research artists, colour app and colour books. Logging all my research in either my notebook, sketchbook or log. I have tried to be more critical in my work, reworking my collage work. Noting where things could have worked better and how I could have improved or developed the pieces. Using this critical thinking in deciding on which pieces would be placed into the colour studies book.

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