ATV4 Review point Demonstration of creativity


I feel the further we get into this course the more I relax and allow myself to become more creative. Breaking down the boundaries I had created in my head, to explore and develop my imagination. I have explored the uses of yarns, and how they are created.

I have used many techniques, mixing conventional yarn with the less conventional. Capturing textures and tones. I felt visually my first set of yarns created interesting developments from the images they were based on. The black yarn against the stark white background helps to display the texture within the developed yarns.

Although I felt overwhelmed with the trying to feel inspired on what to use for the material exploration. But once I began to think outside the box, I began to get really excited. By finding the right material/yarn I realised it got my creativity going. I found once I had the yarns in my hands and looking at different ways to manipulate it, this led onto developments in my yarn designs.

As I have moved through my yarn exploration, I have become more creative, at the beginning just learning what can be achieved. I am looking forward to exploring yarn further and pushing my creativity further.

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