Reflection ATV2


Reflecting over the work I have achieved over this unit; I have been a lot more driven and excited. I have continued to build on my skills and develop them. There was more creativity involved although still restricted. I have really enjoyed the experimental side of creating surface, I have discovered I like how un unpredictive materials can be when manipulated and the unique forms they can create. Understanding that there is still beauty even in the unperfect stitch, surface and crease.

Although I feel I can show visually the processes of my work and believe I documented my ideas down well within my sketchbook. I feel I still need to develop my written skills, as I find this part a struggle. This is an area I need to focus on in the assignment, research ways to make this area a more natural part of my work.

Looking back on this assignment I found homing in on sections of images and creating pieces of stitch from that section an interesting concept. At first it frightened me, looking at the picture as a whole I could not see how I could pick one section to make a stitched image. Using the framing was a new technique I had not done before, but it really helped me to focus on one section. This is a new technique will definitely be something I use in future work.

The final part of this assignment appeared daunting and wordy, finding it difficult to think of a way to link the three separate samples. But after breaking the assignment down and creating the first sample, the next two samples flowed on from each design.

I am anxious moving onto introducing colour into work, as I have used so little so far!

Assessment Criteria

Demonstration of technical and visual skills- I believe I showed a number of different techniques throughout this assignment. From manipulating paper to manipulating fabrics. I have revelled in coming up with ideas one what I could do next with the material. Having to cull some from my initial surfaces.

Quality of outcome- Overall I happy with the third final sample, the other two samples with the stitched pleated fabric and the layered fabric I would develop further. Although both were good starting points for and showed the develop into the final piece. I suppose this is how progress works!

Demonstration of creativity- As I chose to work with my more imaginative and creative images, it has allowed me to create more creative pieces. Not only manipulating but dyeing paper and adding beads.

I have enjoyed using my sketchbook to develop ideas throughout the later stages of this assignment. I perhaps could have used it more at the beginning stages for planning surface, but I got carried away with my creative juices and wanted to try everything rather than planning before I began. But I prefer a more experimental approach.

Context- I enjoy the research parts of my assignments, I get lost in the books and articles and often have to pull myself back and refocus on what information I am trying to obtain. I have found this has helped me from my research during my foundation course which I have manged to pull back on for this assignment.

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