Assignment 5 Capsule Collection

 I had to tackle this assignment with a different approach than I usually would, which in hindsight was a good think. I was incredibly restricted in time, which meant I had to be strict with my practice. Using my time in a productive manner and knowing when to stop with each sample. 

I decided to tackle one sample at a time, then linking the next one to the collection. 

The first piece for my collection was the hoops wrapped in wool in various techniques. Collecting together a selection yarns in the colour palette oh my mushroom images. As I wanted to be able to create different sized hoops again, using a wire as a base again. I created a range of hoops and using the yarn to create an array of coloured hoops. Then laying them out to make a sheet of hoops, ensuring I used some natural dyed yarn I had created in previous work. I also wanted to mix in yarns with texture, as texture and natural dye was going to play a key part in this collection. 

On reflection of this piece, I thought I wonder how it would look if it was curved in some way like the top of a mushroom. Creating a different dimension to the flat piece.

The next piece for my collection I wanted to focus on was a layered piece. I was unsure on how many layers to use so experimented with two and then three layers. Whist creating the samples I wondered what it would be like if the edges were more frayed, I then wondered what would happen if heat was added to the edges. This created a more interesting texture to the frayed edges. 

The chose of fabric was important to, using a weaved fabric that frayed easily. This created more texture to capture the natural texture that can be seen on the mushroom. The edges frayed and then heated invites you to touch the piece. 


Overall I felt this piece worked well there's plenty of scope to develop this piece further. Looking other fabrics to use and looking at extending the size further. As well as capturing the essence of the mushroom in colour and texture.

My next sample I went for a similar style to the sample before. This time blending two ideas into one. Taking the original wool sample and pushing it further. This time including my idea of weaving, laying the base yarn in a circular shape. I then sourced yarns that would recreate the mushroom, keeping to the colour palette. Using natural dyed yarn which had been dyed in tea and scrap lengths of silk. Using a natural dyed based calico dyed with coffee. 

Then wanted to add more dimension to the piece. Taking a soldering iron and charring the yarn. This created a  really natural colour to the silk, like the bruised marks on the mushrooms skin. 

Again there is so much potential to develop this sample further, I could look at producing this on a large hoop loom. Or using more natural dyed yarns in the piece. Overall I feel like this was a successful sample. 

This was by far one of my more favourite samples to create. What I enjoyed was the experimental nature of the this work. Using a mixture of beads and buttons as well as using string which meant the dye did take in those areas. Using the dye techniques from a book I sourced by Jenny Dean, The Craft of Natural Dyeing. Although choosing to stick with tea for this piece, I also experimented with madder, walnut, black walnut and brown onion skins. Some were more successful than others. But I enjoyed the experimenting with the dye, this is definitely and area I would like to develop further.


Inspired by the grouped image of mushrooms, using different materials to help effects depending on the mushrooms I was trying to recreate. As well as using different techniques with different sized beads, using small beads with string wrapped around the length of the piece. I have grouped together three separate pieces but they could work just as well individually. 

There are so many possibilities for this piece, I would like to have tried using larger shapes and different natural dyes. I could even looking at layering a thick fabric with an organza overlay.

Taking the original sample of the mushroom further this time using the natural dyed fabric, Using different thicknesses of calico. This time using some tie dyed with tea calico and the other two mushrooms where dyed with black walnut. Creating different sized mushrooms that remind me other the oyster mushrooms in my sketches.

Again there is plenty of scope to push these samples further. I wonder if you could use wire along the edge to shape the edge more or even make them so they are self standing. I feel like three mushrooms was the right number for the grouping but they could be really striking in a larger scale as an individual piece. 

The next sample was actually one I have rejected from the collection, I like the base layered fabric. Using natural dyed fabric again as part of the fabric layered fabric. Then adding the machine embroidery stripes. On the previous smaller sample I had made previously this was successful but on a larger scale the strips got lost in the piece. I decided I wanted to go in a different direction for my final piece. 

I'm pleased with my final piece I think it fits in with the capsule collection, incorporating natural dyed fabric and texture. Going back to the layered stack from my previous samples. This time creating it on a larger scale and using a soft velvet background. I chose to use this fabric as it reminded me of the soft outer covering of a mushroom. For the gills I did some more fabric dyeing using the black walnut, tea and madder, also adding in some iron as a mordant. This created deeper colour and by sprinkling it in on top of the fabric it created interesting colour variants on the fabric.

Then cutting and stitching layers of the dyed fabrics into stacks. And then attaching them in a curved shape. Then taking a wired brush to the edge to fray the edges further adding me texture to the piece. To develop this piece further I think I would look really striking to create a complete circle with the stacks.

Overall reflecting on my collection, I feel they work really well together and create a complete coherent collection. The colour palette through each sample works well together, using natural dye as a key feature in the pieces as well as making texture a focal point. The collection is a very tactile it calls to touched and felt, like in nature when you have to pick a leaf or run your hand through the grass. 

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