ATV3 Formative feedback


Formative feedback


Student name                  

 Leanne Blanchett

Student number                             



 A Textiles Vocabulary

Assignment number                    


Type of tutorial


Call date



Summary of tutorial discussion


Demonstration of technical and visual skills, quality of outcome, demonstration of creativity


You have demonstrated a thorough exploration of colour in this assignment, working through each in a well considered way. When looking at the colour in the images for section 3.2 try to consider the proportions of colour as well as the colours themselves, this is important to show the balance and distribution within the design. Using digital apps and then building them into other sections of the course is great to see, this shows development of your learning as well as an openness to new ideas.


Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis


You have said that you are concerned about the research elements within the course. It is a difficult element for many students at this stage. You can select other artists and designers to research if that helps you to feel more inspired. Try to write a little less factually and develop your own critical consideration of what you are looking at. How does their work relate to what you are being asked to do in the particular assignment? What is it that you are drawn to? Is there an element you can incorporate into your own explorations? You are writing a good amount and at this stage just develop your research a little more with each assignment and hopefully it will become more natural for you.



Tutor name

 Katie Taylor



Next assignment due



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