ATV 3 Exercise 3.3 Watercolour Studies

 Exercise 3.3

I gathered up my glass vessels, sourcing items including vases and jars from around the house. I decided to do this exercise when the sun was the brightest shining through the window. I felt like this would give me the most interesting effect on the glass, using the sun to shine through the glass to produce slight colour changes in the glass. 

The first thing I had to do was clean the glass. Once the vessels where in the direct sunlight it was very apparent how grubby they were. It made so much difference it made the light shine through brighter. I began arranging the vessels to achieve the most desirable effect. Moving the vessels with the better angles to into the light to create more interesting colours and even looking at them upside down to see what colours could be seen.

I spent a lot of time observing the glass and seeing what colours I could see, even the slightest of colour. I found it more difficult than I thought it would be to see different colours, as they were so slight. My next challenge was using watercolour, I am not a fan of watercolour and I find it very difficult to use. I found it was bleeding into the next colour, I also found that mixing the colours were more difficult than with gouache. On reflection maybe using pans instead of tubes was not a the best idea. The colour was also altered by the amount of water added to the brush. 

I can understand why we used water colours instead of gouache, the watercolour helped to show the transparency of the glass as well as the colour. Where as the gouache was thick and more vibrant in colour. 

I was surprised how many different colours could be seen in a seemingly clear vessel. The colours sit naturally together the remind me of the sky an overcast day with a glimmer of sunshine. On reflection I wish I had tried this exercise at different times of the day to see if a different colour palette was created with different lighting. 

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