ATV1 Feedback



Formative feedback


Student name                  

 Leanne Blanchett

Student number                             



 Foundation Textiles

Assignment number                    


Type of tutorial


Call date



Summary of tutorial discussion


Demonstration of technical and visual skills, quality of outcome, demonstration of creativity

You have successfully explored a variety of different mark making techniques to convey both the texture and physicality of the textile objects chosen. Your choice of mark making tools is also varied, utilising both traditional tools like fibre tip pens but also making good use of found objects such as lolly sticks and fibres from a toy. This expansion from traditional tools is exciting and has allowed you to develop and embrace aspects of mark making that you have less control over.


Context, reflective thinking, critical thinking, analysis

It has been difficult during Covid for you to select inspiring textile archives but you have made the most of what you have had to hand. You have documented your explorations well making the most of photographing from a variety of angles as well as sourcing a selection of relevant supportive research. You have carefully selected comparative artists and documented their work in relation to your own which is a great start, keep this exploration of other artists up as this will enhance your understanding of your own work. You have kept a concise and well documented learning log, try to be a little more critical, question why things have or haven’t worked as well as discussing how you could potentially expand on a technique.


You have made a strong start, Well Done!



Tutor name

 Katie Taylor



Next assignment due


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